In both the first Transformers movie and its sequel Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen, Bumblebee has secured his place in the hearts of movie fans everywhere as their favourite Transformer.
He has always been popular with Transformers fans, dating right back to the original cartoon in the 1980s and the 1986 animated movie, but now, with the leaps in special effects technology he has been brought to life in a manner that is frankly astonishing.
You may have issues with the Transformers live action films and their slapdash logic and multiple bloopers in continuity and plotting, but as pure spectacle they are brilliant.
The character of Bumblebee is prominent in both films, and as such the call for Bumblebee toys is huge with fans. Thankfully, there are several kinds available to choose from.
Both movies brought regular sized action figures of the character to the market, as well as larger and smaller versions that were suitable for collectors or younger children respectively.
With Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, a hugely popular Bumblebee voice changer was also added to the range of Bumblebee toys available, which proved to be a big hit with kids everywhere.
There are issues with the Bumblebee toys though, the main one being that the toys, for the most part, look very different to the character as he appears on the big screen. Hasbro have done their best with all of the figures to make the toys resemble the character, but the CG model used in the movies was so very complicated that it would be nigh on impossible to make an exact replica of it in toy form.
Mainly the difference is around the legs of each toy, which have had to be modified in order for the Transformers Bumblebee toy to transform into its vehicle mode. While they may not perfectly match the character, they do capture the essence.
In addition to figures and helmets, there have been replica Bumblebee costumes and even high quality models of his car form.
The most impressive one has been the 'Ultimate Bumblebee' toy, of which there is a version for both films. This large scale toy has all manner of interactive features, MP3 capabilities, sophisticated transformation technology and 45 different audio samples.
It's pricey, but more than worth the money. That one really is the best Transformers Bumblebee toy available, and it is easy to see why.
Bumblebee will surely remain the favourite Transformers character for many fans, and will continue to be with the third film and beyond!
Andrew is a widely read popular culture blogger and music journalist in print and online. A fan of Transformers since 1984, he's here to help you learn more about the Transformers movie toys and characters and their place in the overall Transformers story.
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